Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Winter Lunch 18 Dec 2011 at Kota House New Delhi

Dear Members,

You will recall that in the last newsletter we had intimated that we will be holding a winter lunch for a change. This is to reconfirm that the lunch is on and we expects a good turn out of members and their spouses , particularly those who cant venture out during the late evenings.

We will be having a multi-cuisine layout typical of Delhi at this time of the year and cocktails will also be served. Normal charges as hither to will apply.

Kindly forward your names at the earliest so that we can make adequate catering arrangements.

warm regards.

V Adm Harinder Singh (Retd)

Extract for Newsletter 3/ 2011

Winter Lunch for Members of NFDC. As a change, we propose to hold a winter Lunch get together on Sunday, 18 Dec 2011, to bid farewell to the year 2011 and also to welcome the New Year. This will be held on the rear lawns of Kota House Mess, commencing 1200 hrs. All members and their spouses are warmly invited to attend the lunch and make the afternoon a great success. Contributions from members towards the cost of drinks and lunch, etc will be the standard normal rates as hitherto fore. A further communication on this event will follow in due course.


Cdr SS Ahuja said...

Hope all the members of Delhi Charter desirous of attending the lunch would send their confirmation using the comments tag.


cdr Ahuja

ssa 2 dec 09 said...

test data 09 dec..2011

sharan navy 1 said...

comments with email closed..check dec 09

sharan navy 1 said...

comment 3 annoy

ssa 2 said...

Lunch now postponed to 22 Jan 2012...